Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Reviewing Our Final Four Picks

With the Final Four set, it’s time to look back at the genius of our pre-tournament picks. There are only two people who picked a winner still alive: me (woo-hoo!) and that college hoops guru Troy V. of Yardley. We both went with the unconventional pick of North Carolina.

Phil and I both “won” by getting two of the four right: N.C. and Villanova for me, N.C. and UConn for Phil, who went with the homer pick of Wake to win it all. Kurt also played the homer card (Pitt) and finished with one of four (N.C.). Troy’s only correct pick was N.C. and poor Dave, who doesn’t really follow college hoops, was kind enough to make us all look good by going 0-for-4. Basically, Dave got as many right as Troy V. did in his initial pre-bracket guess of Sam Adams, Blue Moon, Guinness, and Molson.

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